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With the 2030 Agenda, the global community of states has agreed on a future vision of a world in peace in which

  • nobody has to go hungry

  • terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems are protected  

  • and consumption and production do not cross planetary boundaries.


In 2017, the members of the UN General Assembly passed unanimously  17 SDGs .


The so-called 'Sustainable Development Goals', the

"Sustainable Development Goals" are linked to existing obligations under international law, which made their implementation mandatory according to the UN human rights covenants.

Like human rights, the 2030 Agenda is universal, which means that it must be implemented around the world, by all people for all people.

The international community has committed itself to wanting to achieve the defined goals together.

Natural Capital Shares g-w
PN Biodiversitäts-Zertifikate weiss
Carbon Credits weiss

PRO-NATUR has the

"Sustainable Development Goals"

committed to AGENDA 2030


The PRO-NATUR flowering areas

contribute in particular to the following SDGs  

to the national  implementation obligation.


The global temperature increase to 1.5 °C  and achieve global greenhouse gas neutrality by mid-century.

Mobilize the private sector for global climate protection.


Take urgent and meaningful action to reduce habitat degradation, halt biodiversity loss and protect threatened species and prevent their extinction by 2020.

SDG 13
SDG 15
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