Climate protection

Certified according to international standards, our
PRO-NATUR 'Carbon Credits'
support companies on their way to climate neutrality.
With the proceeds from these accredited and accountable CO2 certificates, companies invest in regional and transparently documented climate protection projects.
​Wildflower meadows and moorlands store up to 500 to CO2/ha. They are the largest CO2 storage in our homeland. Intensive agriculture is one of the main causes of the global climate crisis. With our climate protection projects, we are committed to preserving wildflower meadows and planting flower strips.
In this way, we prevent the conversion of these CO2 sinks to intensively cultivated agricultural areas and actively contribute to climate protection.
For detailed information about the process flow, investments and the possibilities to integrate voluntary 'carbon credits' into your company-specific sustainability strategy, contact us:
Martin Gruböck
Tel. +43-650-3818527