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Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free
In the PRO-NATUR KNOWLEDGE DATABASE you will find extensive background information on flower meadows and flower strips. They are the basis for the biodiversity of our local fauna and flora.

It is ecosystems that have become rare that we urgently need to protect. Because only these offer wild bees, butterflies and many small animals a habitat. Only 4% of the agricultural area in Austria are natural flowering areas on which wild flowers grow. And every day there are fewer. The unrestrained surface sealing and the use of fertilizers and pesticides in agriculture are destroying these last natural paradises.

On the other hand, we also go into the essential, negative influencing factors for our ecosystems.
For example, on the surface sealing, in particular through settlement and road construction and the effects of conventional intensive agriculture, among other things due to the use of fertilizers and pesticides.

Colorful flower meadows delight our hearts and when we see them, we are transported to our childhood days, when we used to pick lush Mother's Day and birthday bouquets in the meadow. these precious ones  Ecosystems are disappearing from our landscape at breakneck speed. We are all urgently called upon to make a contribution to the preservation of our species-rich meadows as a (survival) habitat for our fauna. 

Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free
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In our often intensively farmed, monotonous and life-poor agricultural landscape, flower strips are a source of food and retreat for numerous animals. Countless insects form the food base for field birds, amphibians and wild animals. They all depend on the species richness of flower strips. They are essential and indispensable ecosystems of our native biodiversity .

Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free

If we were to count them, there would be around 1.4 billion insects from an estimated 5.5 million different species for every person on earth. Nevertheless, they are massively threatened. Almost half of the approximately 700 wild bee species in Austria are listed on the Red List of Endangered Species. Save our insects!

Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free
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Farmland birds are the "problem children" of bird protection. Especially during the breeding phase in early summer, they are highly dependent on the type of grassland management. Too frequent mowing and the use of manure has fatal effects on the required (survival) habitat as a source of food and retreat.

Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free

With monocultures and the use of fertilizers and pesticides, industrial agriculture represents one of the greatest threats to our native flora and fauna .  Therefore, there is no getting around the fact that when it comes to protecting ecosystems, agriculture must become part of the solution. "Back to nature" is the order of the day.

Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free
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The progressive soil sealing to the biggest environmental problems.

In Austria, around 13,000 m² of floor are installed every day, which corresponds to an area of approx

equivalent to 20 soccer fields per day .  

Almost all of the soil's biological functions are lost as a result of sealing. There is no more life!

Photo: Pixabay Royalty-free
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If there is diversity above ground, there is also lively soil life and the more lively the soil life, the better the soil quality. Fungi, lichens and microorganisms thrive in the soil. Up to 8 billion microorganisms cavort in one hand of earth . These earthlings provide the plants with nutrients

Fig.: Soil Atlas 2015
Heinrich Boll Foundation

The meadows in industrialized agriculture are mowed up to 6 times a year. Each mowing destroys up to 80% of all creatures . Plants cannot seed. "Green deserts", species-poor meadows, are the result. Animal-friendly mowing techniques and a maximum of 2 mowings per year ensure the biodiversity of our ecosystems.

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