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Exact documentation and localization of PRO-NATUR flowering areas!

The purchaser of 'Natural Capital Shares' or 'Biodiversity Certificates' is provided with the exact GoogleMaps coordinates of the flowering areas so that the NATURAL CAPITAL can be viewed both virtually and on site.

PRO-NATUR Blühflächen - Schwarzenbach
Google Maps
PRO-NATUR Blühflächen - Traiskirchen_edited
Google Maps

PRO-NATUR motivates farmers in preserving local wildflower meadows and planting species-rich flowering strips. Thus farmers receive long-term land management contracts on attractive financial terms. Furthermore they are actively supported with time-consuming ecosystem service & management skills to conservate existing "Oases of Life" .  


PRO-NATUR also covers the costs of particularly species-rich, regional seed mixtures as well as the additional effort for a nature-friendly and animal-friendly mowing technique.


In this way, both the biodiversity and variety of species in our local cultural landscape are preserved and the mostly small-scale, socially disadvantaged family businesses are financially supported.

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